Hello everyone! As most of you have probably seen there have been numerous postings on my personal and business pages on Facebook. I entered POSH PEONY in a small business grant opportunity a couple weeks ago in hopes of landing one of the 12 grants that will be awarded to small business across the nation. When I found this online, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to enter for this amazing opportunity to grow my business. So I signed up, submitted my killer essay, and prayed! The essay asked various questions about why I think my business is unique in my community, how it can grow, how would I invest, and what this grant would mean to my business and I. These questions were cake to answer because these are hopes and dreams that I have had for so many years. As many of you know, I am a full time teacher at the same time and run my business full time as well. It is very difficult to do but I absolutely LOVE what I do! Aside from teaching and working with children, my business provides me another avenue to be creative and work with adults on their big day. It is my passion and expanding and growing my business would be a fantastic opportunity for me and my community.
The challenge we have so far is getting the votes. Mission Small Business requires each business to acquire 250 votes to be able to qualify for the next level in the challenge. With the help of my amazing family, friends, colleagues, and clients (past, present, and future) I have received 125 votes so far. It is now crunch time as the deadline; Friday, June 29 approaches!
So now, I am asking you to please support me and my business by casting your vote. It is very quick and easy to do! Simply log on to www.missionsmallbusiness.com and click on “login & support”. It will require you to sign on into facebook (if you aren’t already) and it will take you to the search page. Type in “POSH PEONY” and hit “search”. No need to enter City or State as we are the only POSH PEONY in this contest. My business link will come up on the screen and the last step is to cast your vote. Simple, right? 🙂 If you click share, you can share your vote on your facebook page for all your friends and family to see and encourage to vote as well.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who has take the time to vote for me and supporting me. You guys are so amazing and remember; good deeds don’t go unpaid in this life 🙂 I wish everyone participating in this contest the best of luck and hopefully POSH PEONY will be fortunate enough to make it to the next level. Thank you again!!
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